
Scheduling an appointment at the doctor in Finland

I prepared a video on what it looks like when you get sick and need to get an appointment at the doctor. Language advice included. Hope it helps you out, once you need it.

There come times people need a medical care. In case it is not urgent, in Finland you get to call to your local healthcare center (fin. terveyskeskus), talk to the nurse on the phone and ideally schedule an appointment.

Unfortunately not all the nurses on the phone speak English well enough, so I figured I was gonna prepare a video, guide you through the process and add some important vocabulary.

See my video Schedulling an appointment at the doctor in Finland. Afterwards you can check again vocabulary I mention and even some more, I think could be useful for you.

If you want to know more on the Finnish healthcare system, read my article Healthcare in Finland.

If you wanna know more on a healthcare regarding pregnancy, check out articles Pregnancy in Finland and Giving birth in Finland.

Initial information you will most probably hear while calling into a health centre, waiting to be connected:

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KAIKKI VASTAAJAMME OVAT VARATTUJA JUURI NYT. (All our respondents are busy right now.)
PYSY JONOSSA. (Stay in the queue; Hold the line)
PALVELEMME TEITÄ MAHDOLISIMMAN PIAN. (We will take care of you as soon as possible.)

JONOSSA PAIKALLA: YKSI (Place in the queue: one.)

KAIKKI VASTAAJAMME OVAT VARATTUJA. (All our respondents are busy.)
VALITKAA YKSI, JOS HALUATTE JÄTTÄÄ SOITTOPYYNNÖN. (Please select one, if you wish to ask for a callback.)
VOITTE MYÖS JATKAA JONOTUSTA. (You can also continue queuing.)
VASTAMME TEILLE MAHDOLISIMMAN PIAN. (We will reply to you as soon as possible.)

Other useful vocabulary you have heard in the video above, plus some more:

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TERVEYSKESKUS = a health centre
SAIRAALA = a hospital
PÄIVYSTYS = emergency department at the health centre or a hospital

HENKILÖTUNNUS = social security number (if you wanna know more about Finnish social security number, check out my article What is a Henkilötunnus?

EN TIEDÄ MITÄ SE TARKOITTAA. = I do not know what does that mean.

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AJANVARAUS = an appointment
ILTAPÄIVÄN PUOLELLE = closer to the evening
KAHDENTOISTA AIKOISTA = around twelve a o'clock

HÄN OLI SYNTYNYT KUUDESTOISTA KESÄKUUSA. = he/she was born on the 16th June


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KAUANKO HÄN ON OLLUT SAIRAANA? = How long has he/she been sick?

PÄIVÄ = a day
KOLME PÄIVÄÄ = three days 
VIIKKO = a week
KAKSI VIIKKOA = two weeks 
MELKEIN KUUKAUSI = almost a month
NELJÄ KUUKAUTTA = four months

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KUUME = a fever
YSKÄ = a cough
NUHA = stuffed /runny nose
IHOTTUMA = a rash, eczema
PÄÄNSÄRKY = headache
LIHASKIPU = muscle pain
TURVONNUT = swollen
KIPU = a pain
HUIMAUS = a vertigo, dizziness

KUINKA KORKEAKSI KUUME NOUSI? = How high the fever climbed?


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