
Learning Finnish with Music 2

Let's translate a song called "Sohva haisee perseeltä" (Couch smells like an ass) by a Finnish duo of song-writers and trubadurs Kalevauva.fi. 

Name of the band Kalevauva.fi is a word play on KALEVALA (is a 19th-century compilation of Finnish oral folklore and mythology compiled by Elias Lönnrot from Karelian- see Wikipedia) and vauva.fi (one of the biggest and oldest discussion forums in Finland dedicated to parenting, pregnancy and family, but people discuss there literally everything).

The duo Aapo Niinisen and Kimmo Nummisen are reading through the discussions and making songs out of the gems of the specific threads. Check out their webpage kalevauva.fi.

(Couch smells like an ass) - video to watch and listen to underneath the lyrics :) Enjoy!

Sohva haisee perseeltä / Couch smells like an ass
Miten puhdistan? / How do I clean it?
On tässä hajussa mukava katsoa Salkkareita... / It is really nice to watch Salkkareita in this stink. (note. Salkkarit = Salatut elämät, Finnish family TV series)

Saako jotenkin putsattua / Can one somehow clean it
Tai raikastettua / Or refresh it
Vai tuikkaanko suoraan tuleen? / Or should I set it on fire right away?

Älä nyt ainakaan polta mieti / Do not even think of burning it, think
mika lämmin pepun löyhkä siita sitte irtoo. / What kind of warm ass' reek would be spread from it. 

Sohva haisee perseeltä. /  Couch smells like an ass.
Voisko jatkossa hommata jonkun perseenalustan. / Could you in the future have some kind of seat cover.

Mun miehellä on nyt lampaantalja. / My husband has a sheepskin.
Joutuu itse pesemään lumella jos haisee. / If it reeks, he has to wash it himself with snow.
Oppiipahan haisemaan perseeltä. / One has to get used to the smell like an ass.
Sika. / What a swine.

Tämä ei ole naurun asia. / It is nothing to laugh at.
Menkääs kaikki nuuskuttamaan omien sohvien istuinoisa / You all go and sniff the couches you sit on
niin huomaatte, / And you will see,
että aika yleisestä ongelmasta on kyse. / That we are talking about quite a common problem.

Sohva haisee perseeltä. / Couch smells like an ass.

Vaistamatta / Inevitably 
pershajuttomat joutuvat tilanteeseen, / Those ones with odorless asses will end up in the situation,
että perse rupeaa haisemaan sohvalta. / Will start stinking from the sofa.

Jos on saanut tartunnan naapurin sohvasta./ If one got the stink from their neighbor's couch,
Kyllähän se haju siirtyy sitten kotisohvan... / Then it will definitely be passed onto their own couch...

Eli haiseeko sohva perseeltä  / So does the couch smell like an ass
Vai perse sohvalta? / Or the ass like couch?

Sohva haisee perseeltä / Couch smells like an ass.
Perse haisee sohvalta. / An ass smells like the couch.

Sohva haisee perseeltä. / Couch smells like an ass.


  • sohva - a couch
  • perse - an ass, a bottom
  • haista - to smell, to reek, to stink
  • katsoa - to watch
  • puhdistaa, putsattua - to wash, to clean
  • suoraan - right away
  • vaistamatta - inevitably
  • naapuri - a neighbor
  • yleinen - common, general
  • ongelma - a problem
  • tartuttaa - to infect
  • siirtaa - to transfer, to pass, to shift
If you enjoyed this, check out my first article on Learning Finnish with Music, where I translated their song "Mies syö lapsen vanukkaat" (Husband is eating a pudding for kids).

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