(Česky níže)
During my first visit in Finland I wanted to be polite and decided to help with cleaning dishes. I had cleaned it and automatically started to dry it. Almost immediately they stopped me and told me that in Finland you did not need to dry dishes. They dry themselves straight in the cupboard. That day I realized that Finland is not only a country with bathrooms without baths (instead only shower corner and sauna everywhere), it is also a country of dishes without dishtowels (...but with well-thought-out storage system of basic cookware). You can see it on the attached photographs. In reality you just clean the dishes, put it to the cupboard and it dries itself in there. Weird, isn't it? At least for those whose parents reproach them that they do not dry plates properly before putting them into cupboard. :-P I definitely have to send this pictures to my father! :-)
Nádobí se tady prostě umyje a pak uloží dovnitř, kde samo okape přímo do dřezu. Zvláštní... hlavně pro ty z nás, kteří jsme byli doma rodiči peskováni za to, že pořádně neutíráme talíře před tím, než je dáme do skříňky. Budu to muset ukázat tátovi! :-)
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