
Beer of Bohumil Hrabal in Finland! / Hrabalovo pivo ve Finsku

(Česky níže)

You would not believe what I found yesterday in the supermarket in Kerava (Finland!)

I had to buy it and taste it. It reminded me Radegast little bit - the beer from my homeland. ;-) See the pictures... I had to safe the bottle. :-)

And a little explanation for non-Czech readers: 
Bohumil Hrabal was very famous writer from the Czech Republic. His books were and still are very popular and many of them were even transferred into scenarios and filmed. 
This beer is reminding a film called "Postřižiny". It is about a little brewery and very beautiful and extraordinary wife of its brewer. I strongly recommend both the book and the film!

See some webs: 
Wikipedia - Bohumil Hrabal
Wikipedia - Postřižiny (Cutting it Short)


Nevěřili byste, co jsem včera našla v regále s pivy v supermarketu v Keravě (Finsko!)

Musela jsem to koupit a ochutnat. Trochu mi připomnělo Radegast. Pivo z mé rodné domoviny. ;-) Mrkejte na fotky... Musela jsem si schovat láhev i vršek. :-)

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